
Following a life cycle approach,

SVSS works intensively through focused welfare projects

in six major areas


Education is one of the basic necessities in life. Identifying its importance, it was categorized as one of the fundamental rights. Aligning with the perspective, education is the focal area of SVSS’s interventions. The current educational interventions place emphasis on, improving access of children to formal education through creating awareness in the communities regarding the importance of education, enrolment, retention, mobilization, strengthen in management committees and infrastructure in schools with special focus is laid on girl child enrolment. Apart from formal education, the education program lays emphasis on honing the vocational skills of the youth so that they can be engaged in remunerative occupations.


This is a grassroots organisation that ensures healthcare and nutrition intervention for women and children in vulnerable communities of Uttar Pradesh. The overarching aim of the health initiative is to make the communities conscious by reviving and strengthening village level health committees. It further aims at increasing awareness on preventive aspects of health and building linkages between curative services and communities. It works to improve hygiene and sanitation conditions, promoting safe deliveries and child care. Complete immunization of the mother and the child is an additional aspect of this program activity. It also focuses on increasing use of existing public health care services. The healthcare programme aims at taking healthcare at the doorsteps of people and also encourages health awareness and contemporary healthcare-seeking behaviour among underprivileged people. The organisation is to continue improving the health and lives of the underserved who face social and financial challenges.


Agriculture is a dominant occupation of the rural communities which is in crisis due to environment degradation, inappropriate use of technology and non-favourable market forces. Inhabitants are opting out of it. A major non-agricultural occupation prevalent in the state is carpet weaving but even here situation is deplorable. On top of it, it is very hazardous to health. In view of this situation, SVSS undertook the campaign to improve the working conditions of the carpet weavers through spreading awareness. Furthermore, it also envisaged to empower women through mobilizing them to create self-help groups and imparting other skills. It aims not only creating livelihoods but also improving the working conditions of the farm and non-farm labour.


Environmental threat is not a matter of future and it is knocking on the door now. Its expressions are evident in form of climate change, global warming etc. The way the problems are looming, the next disaster will be on resource scarcity. The resource status in rural India and elsewhere is strikingly poor. This does not affect local economy only but jeopardizing ecological system too. To response to above threat, SVSS is organizing youth, orienting them and linking them to other youth groups working for the same cause (environment). These youth groups use different modes of communication like street plays, rallies, exhibitions, posters, wall paintings, village meetings to raise awareness and motivate villagers. It demonstrates lesser use of plastic, water and energy resources saving techniques etc.

Community Mobilization

The community mobilization program focuses on empowering villagers, especially women and children to access their rights and entitlements. In doing so, it promotes participation of the underprivileged in local governance as much as they can to improve the communities’ conditions resulting in better quality of their lives. It helps to motivates people in a community and encourages participation and involvement of everyone. It helps to build, community capacity to identify and address community needs.

Land Rights

Landlessness is a key deprivation as 10% of our farmers are landless. Women situation is worse. Though they constitute majority of workforce they only own 9.3 % of land and sometimes they are not even regarded as farmers. Number of researches has proven that status of women improves with land ownership of land. Remedying the exclusion of te majority of women from access to and control of rural land in India is one of the most significant steps that could be taken toward enhancing the country’s rural livelihoods. It is also among the most challenging. While women in India have the legal right to own land, very few do. For those women who do own land, ownership rarely translates into control of the land or of the assets flowing from the land Situation has not changed much even after change in inheritance law due to complex social customs and practices. Considering these factors, SVSS is imparting training among women on the land rights and also, is advocating with government to remove the hindrances standing in the way of women ownership of land.

Child Rights

Children’s rights are human rights that are accustomed explicitly to the children needs, wants and overall well-being. They take into account their fragility, specificities and age-appropriate requirements. Children’s rights aim to take into account the necessity of the development of a child. Though India is signatory to UNCRC and committed for realization of child rights, violation of child rights is rampant. Despite different national and international laws, children can be seen working in various industries married at an early age, trafficked, facing corporal punishment and other kind of abuses. To combat it, SVSS has started Childline 1098 in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh It reaches out to children from 0-18 years. Childline works for the protection of the rights of all children in general. But its special focus is on all children in need of care and protection, especially the more vulnerable sections. Apart from this, SVSS organises various children clubs and sensitize them. It is also carrying different campaigns to sensitize masses on child rights besides promoting right to education and health. The intervention aims to facilitate a favourable and enabling environment for the realization of child rights with the aim to create a society wherein each child has equal rights and developmental.

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